Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Too many books top my TBR list for 2015 (my Goodreads list is at 131 to be exact) and so I decided to spare you the scrolling and opted to discuss for Book to Film Adaptions I'm looking forward to in the coming year.
The movie is just a few months away. I loved what they did with Divergent, and can't wait to see the sequel come to life.
Okay, so the girl they picked as the ''Designated Ugly Fat Friend'' isn't neither fat nor ugly. But the boy does look charming. Why not give it a try?
Looking forward to seeing Cara Delevingne on the big screen. She also has a part in Pan which made my list as well.
Granted, it's a loose very loose adaptation of Peter Pan by J.M.Barrie but it looks awesome and includes Tiger Lily.
Ant Man vs the evil bees! The first thing I said to myself after reading the comic book, was ''there is no way this could be made into a film.'' I got proven wrong.
I just saw part one, and I am super greedy, because I need part two. Right away!!
Fifty Shades of Grey
On my to view list. Hope they combine most of the books into one film.
Which movie is on your 2015 to view list?