Sunday, April 21, 2013

Review: Altered

Lacey stole a car and ends up in a juvenile detention center. Her Dad insists that leaving her there is for her own good. He doesn't visit or answers her calls. She's all alone until Taylor shows up. But who exactly is Taylor, and is he simply using her for his own ploy?

The book took off right away with lots of dialogue and no unnecessary narration. Despite knowing what Lacey did to get there, she seemed like a very sympathetic and sweet character. If life has taught her anything is that people shouldn't be trusted blindly, and it's good to see her doubt Taylor.  

I would've like to see her struggle more. Everything always seemed to come to place too fast. As to why Lacey is their only hope -- the question wasn't really answered. Guess I'll have to wait for book two to find out.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Feature & Follow Friday: Don't Stop Believing

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Chris Colfer

Q: If you could hang out with any author (living) who would it be and what would you want to do?

I would pick Chris Colfer. Think about it. I'd be meeting a writer and an actor  That's like two for one. Not to mention we share a passion for music. We'd probably go karaoking with three pitchers of Sangria.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Review: Patience Princess Catherine

Catherine of Aragon may have been the princess of Spain, but she did not have an easy life. Or death, rumor is she was poisoned. We all know that she was betrayed by Henry VIII, but what brought on to this heartwrenching event in their marriage? Were Henry and Catherine ever in love? Well, that's where this book comes in. 

A Love Triangle

Arthur, Catherine & Henry

It travels from the love triangle from meeting Arthur to meeting Henry. Catherine was no Mary-Sue and her determination to remain in the Tudor family is remarkable. I enjoyed her battles with Dona Elvira and was surprised with the treatment she received from Spain. 

I recommend to every Tudor fan. 

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Doctor Hunk


A few moths ago, I stepped on something sharp and ended up at the podiatrist. Ouch, is right. To make matters even more embarrassing, the Doctor was young, handsome and loved literature. I saw him earlier this week at the mall, and dedicate this choose your own top ten to him.




Can't wait to read your top ten. Feel free to leave your link. Also: BookCupid is now on Facebook!!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Caught my Arrow # 12

Caught my Arrow is a meme similar to In my mailbox and  Stalking the Shelves featuring books that were purchased, borrowed or received that week.

Still waiting on my shipment from Amazon, but until then I received two books to keep me occupied and happy.

I borrowed Every Little Thing in the World from the library and received Scapemaker a YA/Fantasy novel from author Steve V. Cypert

What are you reading this week?