Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Many beloved characters died and yet I still enjoyed the ending. It helped having a small epilogue.
Boundless: Every character had his/her moment. And no questions were left unanswered.
Mockingjay: It was no fairy-tale ending where everyone lives happily ever after with all their problems solved. It was realistic.
Shades of Earth: Exquisite finale with non-stop action.
Requiem: Filled with too much narration, the second point-of-view character had no action or climax whatsoever. And the end was just a big mess.
Rapture: We traveled non-stop in Passion, only to travel once again in Rapture. Although the last few pages did have an interesting twist, it still makes my worst list.
Son of Rosemary: Pretty much the worst ending ever. The rating on Goodreads is 2.46. Enough said.