Most Frustrating Characters Ever
Aaargh! Some characters make you want to slam the book on the ground and walk away from it -- something a lot harder to do these days with kindles and kobos. But the frustration remains. So what do we do?
We vent.
Here is my top five most frustrating characters ever:
Luce (Torment): Finding the love of her life isn't enough for Luce. She kisses Cam, which is understandable. But Miles too? I mean, how many guys does she need to feel complete? Let's just hope she doesn't meet Chris Brown in Rapture.
Mia (Where She Went): Poor Mia lost her whole family. But the way she takes it out on her ex is unfair. As if she needs to blame something or someone for what happened, and he is the perfect victim.
Elena (The Vampire Diaries): The book is far different from the television series. I mean, c'mon, girls don't make blood oaths to help a friend get a guy. Nor do you tell someone you love him after a few days and take his uncertainty as ''it must be some other girl from his past."
Amy (Little Women): Never have I seen a worst sister.
Maggie, Clara's Mom (Unearthly): Imagine being from another species and your mom refusing to give you any information. Just bits and pieces here and there. No wonder Clara is always so confused.
Oh, they're so frustrating!!!