Tuesday, February 5, 2013

To Ten Tuesday: Bookish Memories

Bookish Memories

Sadly, I have yet to attend a book signing. Lauren Kate came to Montreal a few months ago, but it was kept very hush hush, and I'm sad to say I missed it.

One of my earliest bookish memories is the day I found the point horror collection at my school library. I was in elementary at the time, and although we were still too young to be reading such ''long'' books, you would get bullied for not borrowing one.

The first book I read was April Fools and I loved it. I bought the entire point horror collection from Ebay since then, and currently keep them in a huge box for my own children to devour some day.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Review: Bright's Light

Legally Blonde meets Sci-Fi in Susan Juby's new book, Bright's Light

Even the title is catchy, although Bright does steal her best friend's light and claim it as hers because it's pretty. 

Hmm, two girls rivaling over a boy -- sad. But two girls fighting over a ''special'' hat that shines? You don't see that every day. And so, I kept reading eager to discover what will happen when the light ends up bringing back memories that people had forgotten, creating havoc and preparing them for the end of the world. 

Sadly, the pieces were hard to add up. And the reason for their world destruction didn't make much sense. Hopefully, someone will shine some light on the matter.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday

Parajunkee's view / Alison Can read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

 Q: What is the first thing you would do if you woke up to find yourself in your favorite book?

A: Honestly, I would wake up next to Voldemort so I'll let you take a hint. I know, I know...But I won't lie to you. In the matter of love, BookCupid doesn't always make the right choices. 

Needless to say, I would switch sides, join Dumbledore's army and put an end to this morbid affair.  

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Caught my arrow # 6

Caught my Arrow is a meme originally known as IMM and hosted by The Story Siren featuring books that were purchased, borrowed or received that week.

January is at an end. I'm happy to finish the month with Marking Time (Courtesy of April White).

It arrived this week with a bookmark and a premise that will most definitely keep me up at night. You can find more information here on Goodreads.

Also, I borrowed Starters from the library. 

What are you reading this week?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Review: Bloodlines

Richelle Mead offered a treat to all her Vampire Academy fans by doing a spin-off series based on Jill Dragomir, Lissa's last existing family member.

I had my doubts at first, mostly because Vampire Academy is one of my favorite series. Rose's voice, strong and filled with confidence was being replaced with Sydney's, whom I remembered as stuck up and analytical. So when Bloodlines began with Sydney emotionally distancing herself from the Moroi, I thought, "Oh no, she's going to be criticizing their every move."

But no.

Sydney was a great character, maybe just as strong as Rose when push came to shove. And Adrian was suave as always, leaving little space for disappointment.

Other books in the series

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Frustrating Characters

Most Frustrating Characters Ever

Aaargh! Some characters make you want to slam the book on the ground and walk away from it -- something a lot harder to do these days with kindles and kobos. But the frustration remains. So what do we do? 

We vent. 

Here is my top five most frustrating characters ever:

1. Luce (Torment): Finding the love of her life isn't enough for Luce. She kisses Cam, which is understandable. But Miles too? I mean, how many guys does she need to feel complete? Let's just hope she doesn't meet Chris Brown in Rapture.

2.Mia (Where She Went): Poor Mia lost her whole family. But the way she takes it out on her ex is unfair. As if she needs to blame something or someone for what happened, and he is the perfect victim.

3.Elena (The Vampire Diaries): The book is far different from the television series. I mean, c'mon, girls don't make blood oaths to help a friend get a guy. Nor do you tell someone you love him after a few days and take his uncertainty as ''it must be some other girl from his past."

4.Amy (Little Women): Never have I seen a worst sister.

5.Maggie, Clara's Mom (Unearthly): Imagine being from another species and your mom refusing to give you any information. Just bits and pieces here and there. No wonder Clara is always so confused.

Oh, they're so frustrating!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Big Cupid Shout Out

This month has been a true Blog Blessing. I would like to give a Big Shout Out to everyone who helped BookCupid reach over 100 followers. Muah!

As well as, a Big thank you to the following blogs for the gift of a Liebster and One Lovely Blog Award                

     Reviews by Tammy & Kim
           The Book Knoll
       Just as the Cock Crow
                                                            Another Working Mum
                                                            Kimberlys Novel Notes
                                                            Shadows of the Past                
                                                               Brittany Severn

Here is the link to my 11 Random Facts and personal nominations.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Review: The Raven Boys

Ok, it might have been foolish of me to imagine that these Raven Boys (Gansey, Adam, Ronan, Noah) were actually shape-shifters.

They are teensagers, obsessed with the idea of finding Glendower's body. You see, there is a myth: whoever finds Glendower gets a wish. And so these four boys team up with Blue, a witcht's daugther and together they go on a mission that went well beyond my expectations.

Maggie Stiefvater outdones herself once more. She has given us: werewolves, water horses, fairies... and now she gives us witchtcraft and spirits. Her characters are down to earth, and most important believable. She even tackles the heavy subject of Child Abuse.

Here is one reader, anxiously waiting for book two.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday

Parajunkee's view / Alison Can read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

 Q: What is the last book that kept you up late into the night?

A: Insurgent. 

Veronica Roth writes such amazing fast paced, adrenaline filled scenes -- I got a hand cramp from holding the book up for so long. It's heavy... but I strongly recommended it to all Divergent fans.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Caught my arrow # 5

Caught my Arrow is a meme originally known as IMM and hosted by The Story Siren featuring books that were purchased, borrowed or received that week.

It's minus 30 here in Montreal. Yes, even my arrow is frozen. At least I get to stay home in company of my precious books.

This week I was honored to receive Jen MinkMan's Shadow of Time. A paranormal/ romance between Hannah and Josh who happens  to be Navajo. Hot, right? Until Hannah is plagued by strange nightmares.

For those who wish to know just how hot Navajo men are, here is a picture. 

Also, I borrowed Looking for Alaska and Until I Die from the library, and plan to read them this weekend under the covers. 

What are you reading this week?

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

Hosted by The Broke and the Bookish

Book Settings We Would Like to See More Off

1. Another Planet with life and Seuss-like trees.

2. Underground rock scene.

3. I worked at a clinic to pay for college, and heard so many freaky Safari stories, I almost past out. ( Don't worry, I'm not studying to be a doctor.)

4. A Pageant Competition filled with roofies, dress sabotage and for once I would like to see a girl walk with a limp. Why does everyone need to be "perfect" to win a crown.

5. The Lost City in the Amazon

6. Paris

7. A Submarine where everything goes wrong.

8. Pirate Island

9. Imagine a 50 Shades of Wool set in Morocco. Instead of "Yes, Sir" it could be "Yes, Sultan."

10. And finally a Scotland Castle

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Review: Sever

Sever, the conclusion of The Chemical Garden series, features more character growth than the first two books combined.

In Wither, Rhine was too quiet. Overly nice with everyone, she was even capable of turning Linden (her husband whom she never had any relations with) into her puppy dog and all because she looked like Rose. But who exactly is Rose? Was she also stolen and forced into marriage? That question will finally be answered. 

What interested me the most about reading this book, was the cover. If you look closely, you'll notice that Rhine is holding her wedding band. And as the title says: she will SEVER. But you'll never guess how.

Prepare to meet Vaughn's brother and for Madame's return. 

♥Thank You for the ARC First Reads