Thursday, June 20, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Heartbreak

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: Share your favorite literary quote.

"The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it...."
                                   Nicholas Sparks

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Review: Boundless

The Unearthly trilogy comes to an end with Boundless, a pleasant desert after a great course. 

Clara, Angela and Christian are now at Stanford. This time around, the visions keep getting more dangerous, involving glow and blades. Clara's energy is torn since Angela is hiding a secret, Christian pressing for more than just friendship, Jeffrey angry and Tucker gone. How can she be happy -- or better yet -- achieve her purpose?

Cynthia Hand concentrated on giving all of the characters their own sub plot, combining them into a big climax. Providing everyone with attention, also meant resolving every question the readers might have had during the series. Does Clara's love for Tucker turned into something different? Is Christian the better choice for her? 

The end of the road is painful, for someone always loses in a love triangle. But it is nevertheless well written. Prepare for the return of Michael and Samjeeza.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Top Ten Tuesday: Sunshine, Lollipops and Books



The temperature is rising, lattes are a buck at Mcdonalds -- the best time to lounge in my backyard with one hand on my coffee and the other on a book. Thrilling!!

Hot Cover/ Promising Writer

Keplinger kept me "hostage" on my lounge chair with Duff, I doubt it was pure coincidence. The girl is talented. 

Desert Heat

Until recently, I was clueless that Uncommon Criminals took place all over the globe. Set me up for a first class ticket.  

Rainy Day -- No Problem

The title speaks for itself.

Oh, Love

What is a summer without love? BookCupid can handle the heat. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Review: Cracked

Everyone has a good and a bad side, but sometimes the bad is so dark and disturbing, the good ain't worth knowing.

That's how Bull is portrayed in the book. He bullies Victor psychologically and physically, even exposing Victor's privates in front of the entire class. Yes, he was taught violence at home. And although his Dad beats him, none of it makes up for him doing it in return.

Cracked isn't an easy read because bullying isn't a pleasant topic. But I found it so difficult to relate to any of the characters. They were too many stereotypes: rich bullied kid who cannot disappoint his parents academically nor disturb their shopping, while poor bully kid lives in a trailer and gets beaten up by his alcoholic father. To be honest, I would have prefered the opposite; it would have set the story apart from so many others.

On the plus side, the stay at the hospital did appear very realistic and the author managed to discuss the benefits of group therapy.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Feature and Follow Friday: Deathbed

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: Activity: Spine Poetry. Create a line of poetry with your book spines (take a picture) Not feeling creative? Tell us about your favorite poem.

A little morbid, but definitely an original, he he.