Is one life worth more than another?
In Shusterman's dystopian world, parents can abort their teens by placing a call. But this sequel to Unwind, takes the controversy to another level.
A company just gave life to a creature made out of hundreds of ''donated'' body parts with the goal to create the perfect species. His name is Camus and he's gaga over Risa. Our heroes Lev and Connor will be tested all over again as they learn that with their newfound fame comes lots of responsibilities. The series continues to remain both poignant and philosophical as Shusterman includes newspaper articles to leave us pondering about the gain and loss of organ donation. I always fear that when reading a Dystopian sequel (or any sequel in a trilogy really) the story will get dragged out without any purpose. But in Unwholly, we got to see even more consequences in the unwinding process. New complimentary characters were introduced and the pieces for a grand finale was well set up.
Another great addition to the series.