Friday, April 25, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday: Latte

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: Have you any pets? Tell us or show us. 

Introducing, Guinea Pig extraordinaire Sir. Latte 

He is cuddly, insists on staying in the cage while I clean it (I know, we fight about that) and of course, he squeaks.

More pictures of Latte on my instagram. If you own a guinea pig and have diet advice please let me know as Latte is about to turn one soon and can start eating veggies.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Review: The Geography of You and Me

Wish you were here!

Sadly, those four little words mean nothing to Lucy and Owen, who are both loners and never travel anywhere exciting. The pair met in an elevator, quickly bonding over several quirks they both shared. But after spending one day together, their parents announce they are leaving -- maybe for good -- and hence begins the pile of postcards that will be sent back and forth.

The tension that culminates in the postcards is sweet. One can't help but hope that these two will meet again on top of a beautiful building. But the reality is another. Distance can really put a damper on a relationship, especially one that wasn't strong enough to begin with. So in comes the replacements such as Liam and Paisley who although good looking don't share the spark that Lucy and Owen shared.

Are long distance relationships doomed? I don't know, I wish Smith hadn't concluded with an open ending. On the plus side, the pov switch are well-paced, and we get to experience Owen's struggle of growing up with a single father.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Caught my arrow #34

Caught my Arrow is a meme similar to In my mailbox and  Stalking the Shelves featuring books that were purchased, borrowed or received that week.

Happy Easter to all!! Don't know how much reading I'll get done this week, but I am looking forward to spend time with family and friends this long weekend. Here's what's waiting for me on my nightstand:


The Rising

Borrowed from the library

Desires of the Dead
Better off Friends

Received from Publisher

Catch a Falling Star
The Bridge from me to you

What are you reading this week?

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Review: The Ring and the Crown

A huge downside of being a princess is the inability to choose your husband. 

For Marie, a princess desperately in love with a guard, the solution to happy ever after is simple. All she needs is to convince Aelwyn, a young sorceress, to take over her appearance so she and the guard can escape in return for a lifetime of royalty. Add to the cast, a betrothed prince with a jealous mistress, his brother Wolf with a street-fighting double identity, a poor rich girl who desperately needs to wed and you get lots of funny, romantic, and dramatic turn of events.

The chapters constantly change point-of-view, giving us eyes all over the palace. One big plus in the story is De La Cruz's ability to use the right dose of magic without turning the story into fantasy. Alas, the ending might have been too rushed for my taste, but I'm sure the sequel will solve things out.

All in all, a written proof that Melissa De La Cruz was meant to write historical fiction.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Review: Far from you

Far from you takes the theme What happens when you can't be with someone you love? on a whole other level. 

For Sophie, the grief over Mina's death seems unending. The killer is still on the loose, and worse, people suspect Sophie's involvement due to the drugs found at the scene. Tess Sharpe wisely divided the book into three parts: the accident -- a car crash caused by Mina's brother, Trev, which left Sophie crippled and addicted to painkillers, and Trev feeling responsible for her. The events leading to the climax. And lastly, we flash forward to the aftermath of Mina's murder and Sophie's determination to solve the crime.

Although, the investigation is slowly plotted throughout the book to allow the bisexual triangle between Mina, Sophie and Trev to take place, the story felt oddly shaped at times. Either the cuts were too sudden or too repetitive. But mostly, Sharpe did a good job at placing the reader in Sophie's head. The turmoil Mina put her through by wanting to hide their love and practically force Sophie's relationship with Trev. The pity Trev had for Sophie. Her parents anger against her addiction to painkillers. It felt as if everyone devalued Sophie. Including Sophie herself. 

All in all, Far from you had a wonderful conclusion, making sure that every point in the story was addressed.