Friday, September 12, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday: Membership Card Required

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: Before blogging (dark times!) how would you find out about new books or did you?

I. Am. Serious.

Before all the blogger/Goodreads days, I use to find out about new books on the Costco stand. Mind you, the selection was so-so. Once I got my hand on Twilight, I opened my Goodreads and started getting awesome recommendations.

Since then, I just trail good books everywhere I go (including to Costco!)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Review: Unwholly

Is one life worth more than another?

In Shusterman's dystopian world, parents can abort their teens by placing a call. But this sequel to Unwind, takes the controversy to another level. 

A company just gave life to a creature made out of hundreds of ''donated'' body parts with the goal to create the perfect species. His name is Camus and he's gaga over Risa. Our heroes Lev and Connor will be tested all over again as they learn that with their newfound fame comes lots of responsibilities. The series continues to remain both poignant and philosophical as Shusterman includes newspaper articles to leave us pondering about the gain and loss of organ donation. I always fear that when reading a Dystopian sequel (or any sequel in a trilogy really) the story will get dragged out without any purpose. But in Unwholly, we got to see even more consequences in the unwinding process. New complimentary characters were introduced and the pieces for a grand finale was well set up. 

Another great addition to the series.  

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Twist of Fate



Life can change in a second. I love how books reminds us to hold on because fate can switch back. All is never lost.

Heartbeat by Elizabeth Scott

As if the death of a parent isn't devastating enough, imagine if your mom is being kept alive by a respirator so that your baby brother can grow in her belly!!

How can anyone say goodbye when the body is still there?

The Universe Versus Alex Woods by Gavin Extence

Bullying and euthanasia combine. Believe me, this is not a typical contemporary read that's for sure.

Promise Me Something by Sara Kocek

Profound, at times unexpected events, that tackled LGBT problems that can lead to suicide. Quite touching.

FRUIT by Brian Francis

Peter is gay but doesn't know it yet. Instead, the book becomes less of a sexual identity story and focuses on a boy trying to fit in, be the right weight (mom doesn't want her 200 pound teen to stop eating fast food), and lastly overcome puberty.

The Secret Life of Prince Charming by Deb Caletti

I cannot say how much I loved this book. Maybe it was because it hit very close to home. Or because Deb Caletti has a really interesting way to warn girls about how to avoid getting sucked into bad relationships. 

Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham

I admit I was reluctant to read this story, due to the similarity of the plot with Bethany Lambert's life (I mean let her write the story, right?) But, the author wrote it all in a beautiful poetic verse with raw emotional feelings on every page. So yeah, I liked it!

A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen

There is a huge #whyIstayed meme going on twitter today about abusive relationships. Sometimes words hurt more than fists and this book demonstrates how being told time after time that you are not good enough damages your self-esteem. 

The Lover's Dictionary by David Levithan

After reading this love story gone wrong you will beg Levithan to write a thesaurus. And a grammar book....etc etc

Which book topped your list?

Review: A Blind Spot for Boys

The end doesn't always mean it's over, sometimes bad things happen to make us stronger.

Seven months later, Shana still can't get over her ex. He rejected her, so now she is rejecting others as a defense mechanism. To make matters worse, Shana's dad, a photographer, is going blind. This leads to a trip across the continent where he will be able to photograph beauty for the last time.

Instead of the before and after, Chen focuses her story and the most emotional part of a relationship: what happens at the end. Do you, like Shana, blame yourself for not having been good enough? Or like her father, push the ones who love you away?

A coward is the one who isn't afraid to stand alone, yet ask for help when needed. Chen provides us with several examples of this theory. Remember there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. And for Shana that light is named Quattro, and he is swoon worthy.

Highly inspirational!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Review: Riley Mae and the Rock Shocker Trek

With fame comes responsibility -- and Riley Mae shows us how it's done. 

Becoming a spokesperson for a running shoe line was a dream come true, until Riley discovered just how much her life would change. Not only is her schedule completely full, but if she wasn't receiving the shoes for free, she wouldn't be able to afford them. Yet girls try to do anything for a pair. Except for her friend Rusty, who doesn't even eat now that her dad lost his job. Can Riley use her fame for a purpose and secretly help Rusty buy food without her parents or softball team noticing?

Riley is the kind of child any parent would dream off. She hates the schedule, but obeys it. Takes her friend's struggles to heart. Respects her family. With a girl like Riley -- what could possibly go wrong? But Osborne surprised me with a mystery subplot that I did not see coming. The last part of the book is filled with action, an assassin, and a humorous pair of siblings.

Prepare for a cliffhanger ending, literally.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: All Girls Lunch Club



Mmm, lunch! I went to an all girl school, therefore no male characters would be mentioned on this list. Sad and sexist, I know!

Hermione Granger from Harry Potter Series

Straight A student, my Hermione friend was always prepared for exams and insisted on correcting all my essays. A huge thank you for that!!

Mia Hall from If I Stay

Artists stick with artists. My Mia friend was not a cellist but a singer -- all the while passionately dreaming of a music career.

Anastasia Steele from Fifty Shades of Grey

My Anastasia was a good girl as well, and although the whole lunch table adored her, the on and off "do I stay with him" relationship dilemmas drove us crazy.

Lissa Dragomir from Vampire Academy

Very classy and etiquette wize, my Lissa (unlike me) was never tardy. Like ever! How is that humanly possible?

Finally me: Theater craze with an impulsive personality.

Which character would you be?

Review: Every Day

Meatloaf's "I would do anything for love -- but I won't do that" song finally makes sense.

A is a soul who wakes up in a different body every morning since he could remember. Boy or girl -- all aged 16 -- living within close proximity of each other. Although A has gotten used to distancing himself from the body, he can't help but fall in love with Rhiannon. It's the way she listens to him, her sweet side, the way she treats others that makes A want to be with her all the time. And so begins the quest, to use whoever's body to contact her. But when Rhiannon discovers the truth will she run toward A or away from him?

At first, the idea can either be seen as genius or extremely crazy. Not many authors would have been able to handle this rollercoaster of a story. Levithan not only wrote incredible love triangles, but tackled the themes of drug addiction, sibling rivalry, suicide and depression all at once. 

A must-read!

Friday, August 29, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday: Body Snatcher

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: Tell us about a book character you'd trade places with.

No one said it would be easy (muahaha)

If I could trade places, I'd chose Katarina Bishop from the Heist Society series by Ally Carter. Working as a master thief with an amazing team. Oh, the adrenaline rush!!

Who would you trade places with?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Review: Vengeance

If you think cheating is the worst thing anyone can do in a relationship, think again!

Delaney's near death experience in Fracture left her able to feel the dying. Sadly, her instincts told her to kept hush about her boyfriend Derek's dad's heart condition until he passed away. Derek didn't get to say goodbye. He spent the last days of his Dad's life arguing with him about Delaney. But now that she is danger again, can Derek forgive and save her once more?

Derek's point-of-view narrates the story this time. But due to his grieving and frustration over Delaney's gesture, being inside his head isn't much entertaining and forces the action to pause for way too long. There are hints of a threat here and there but not enough to keep the climax growing. Maya, the new girlfriend of Derek's friend is introduced, hinting at a love triangle which quickly falls apart. In fact, no one in the group feel like they want to be together.

The only thing that makes much sense in all the chaos is the ending.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Just give me the whole store



Love the topic this week. It's a nice, gentle way of asking "Should I read this at all? Do you recommend it?" So please, let me know.

Better than Perfect by Simone Elkeles

Found her Perfect Chemistry series addictive. Looking forward to get into this one.

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell

I don't think there is a YA book blogger out there that hasn't heard of Rowell. Fangirl was a hit.

The Fine Art of Truth or Dare by Melissa Jensen

Not my proudest words but "the cover got to me!!"

City of Heavenly Fire by Cassandra Clare

Read all The Mortal Instruments (even saw the movie) except this one.

Isla and the Happily Ever After by Stephanie Perkins

I'm excited about this one. Amazon Canada has none to sell at the moment O_O  Did they run out?

N0S4A2 by Joe Hill

Comes highly recommended by grown men.

Order of Darkness by Philippa Gregory

I'm due for this sequel.

The Program by Suzanne Young 

Keep reading great reviews about this one, plus I love the way they are holding hands. I want to read about characters that stick together through hard times.

UnSouled by Neal Shusterman

The finale of the Unwind series. I need to know if they can beat the system that wants to keep making organ donation mandatory.

Vitro by Jessica Khoury

I loved Origin, partly because it was a stand alone book. No need to wait for the ending. Khoury has a way of dealing suspense that calls to me. Can't wait to read this one.   

Which book topped your list?

Monday, August 25, 2014

Review: Holes

Do you believe in curses?

Stanley Yelnats sure does. In fact, his great-great-grandfather betrayed a witch and since then bad luck seems to follow him around. Just as Stanley was turning the corner on his way home, a pair of stolen sneakers hit him, and the consequences got him locked up in Camp Green Lake digging up five foot holes. But what exactly is down there to make the wardens crazy with anticipation?

Injustice appears to be a huge theme in the entire book. Not only is Stanley's situation ethically unfair, but his great-great-grandfather experiences heartbreak, and worse is the background story of Kissing Kate. Then we learn about Stanley's camp mate Zero and tears come down to wet the pages.

If only the ending hadn't seem so unrealistic.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Feature and Follow Friday: Netflix This

Parajunkee Alison Can Read


Once you answer be sure to leave me your link so I can follow you back

Q: What book/series do you think would make a better TV show than a movie?

Let's face it, some series beat the movie. Take Pride and Prejudice for example, the British TV series stayed true to the book from beginning to end. You could almost follow through the pages along with the screen. Whereas the movie can make any non-reader fail their English Quiz.

Personally, I would love to see The Infernal Devices on the television screen. Steampunk is starting to become more popular every day, and Cassandra Clare's plotline is superb.  A love triangle, a Mystique-like female character, adrenaline fights, betrayal, London!! NBC should be considering this right now.

While we are on the topic of TV/Book adaptations, has anyone seeing Lauren Oliver's Delirium pilot?

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Review: The Bridge from Me to You

Lauren and Colby have something in common -- their parents don't understand them. Although, Colby is talented at football, and his best friend Benny would switch places with him at once, he does not aspire to play in college. Lauren, on the other hand, wishes her mom would take an interest in her life. Too bad, alcohol turned her mom into an abusive parent who would rather raise Lauren's baby brother but discard her at a relative's home. Can meeting one another help them feel the love and support they both desperately need?

Schroeder heightens both point-of-views with a mixture of narrative and prose. It was interesting to see Colby's fascination with bridges. His entire personality and the way he includes Lauren with his group -- presenting her to girls she might hit it off -- was swooning. Eventually, Colby and Lauren will have to deal with their respective families, but until then, it's nice to watch them fall, learn, and grow. 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Review: The Rising

All the supernaturals of Kelley Armstrong's Darkness and Darkest series combine for this impending conclusion. 

For Maya, the worst part of the experiment wasn't the shapeshifter side effects, but being separated from her loved ones. Now that everyone thinks they are dead, and a fake funeral is put in place, the only solution to gaining their lives back is by striking a deal with the Cabals. But is negotiation possible or are they all running into a trap?

Having read the Darkest series, I was guarded as to how Armstrong would mix all main characters. Strangely, it was newcomer Ash -- Maya's long lost brother -- who held my intrigue the most. In his own aloof way, he helped her grow into a more decision oriented character. Not only is she the one to pressure the Cabals for a deal, but she also puts an end to the Rafe/Daniel love triangle that monopolised the series. 

Although the ending is open to interpretation, most questions about their powers and the possibility of a cure are answered. 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Caught my arrow #36

Caught my Arrow is a meme similar to Stalking the Shelves featuring books that were purchased, borrowed or received that week.

Not only did I get to visit Manhattan, but had some great material to take on the road with me. Looking forward to posting these future reviews. 

Received from Publisher

As taken from my Instagram
Vampires of Manhattan by Melissa De La Cruz

Received from Author

The Space in Between by Jen Minkman


Wicked Sweet by Mar'ce Merrell
Betti on the High Wire by Lisa Railsback

What are you reading this week?

Friday, August 15, 2014

Review: Unravel Me

Sadly, being the most powerful creature in the world doesn't guarantee happiness.

Juliette has the power to kill at her fingertips She considered herself cursed until she meet Adam and Warner -- two people with the ability to resist her touch of doom. But now, regardless of her escape from Omega Point in Shatter Me, things just keep getting harder. Juliette and Adam want to take their love physical but can't, a war is coming soon, and if that wasn't enough, bad boy Warner is back and more irresistible than ever. Will Juliette ever get a chance to breathe?

This sequel packed a lot more action than the first. Finally, we got the scoop on Warner's and Adam's pasts, making it easier to attach ourselves to the characters. If not for Juliette's negative attitude at the beginning, I would have easily given this a five star rating. 

Happy to say, that the strikethrough words have decreased. 

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Top Ten Tuesday: Indecisions



To read or not to read, the one question every reader asks themselves before opening a book. Some are too long, too depressing -- or simply not the right book at the right moment. Here are my current indecisions:

Reached by Ally Condie

The last book of a series can't make or break the whole thing. I admit that after reading Crossed, and not being too impressed, this finale scares me.

Betrayed by P.C. Cast

Another series I'm unsure if I should continue.

Milkweed by Jerry Spinelli

Stargirl really got to me -- made me think about the advantages to ignore bullies. But Milkweed deals with jewish kids in Nazi Germany. Sounds a bit too depressing for me to read right now.

Shine by Jeri Smith-Ready

Seriously disliked the sequel Shift. Not sure I want to finish this series.

The Bad Seed by William March

No offense to William, but if this book is an exact replica of the movie, I'd rather keep avoiding it. I have seen the film way too many times to learn anything new.

Which book topped your list?